Aged Care is a complicated area to fully understand. There is a lot of information to sift through and the conversation is sometimes a tricky one to approach.

At SPG Wealth we help to make navigating aged care easier for you and your family.

The financial issues of aged care are complex and you need to obtain an accurate understanding of the facts as they apply to you and your unique needs. Just getting a basic understanding of what forms to complete, when to complete them and where to send them can be a difficult path the navigate.

The best financial strategies and options will depend on your specific circumstances, objectives and situation.

How we can help

We will help you cut through the vast amount of information that is available online, government departments and well-meaning friends and neighbours. We will focus on highlighting the information and issues that are important to you and your specific financial situation.

We will ensure that all aspects of your financial situation are addressed:

  • the family home
  • pensions
  • accommodation payments
  • care fees
  • cash flow and,
  • investment planning.

For Aged Care financial advice please contact our team at SPG Wealth on 0450 900 436.

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